A Better Community For All (ABC4All) Legacy - Manhattan Beach http://loa.abc4all.net
Ability Awareness Project - Laguna Beach https://www.kindandsafeschools.org/
Agape Media International - Culver City http://www.agapemedia-international.com/
Ahimsa Center, Cal Poly Pomona - Pomona http://www.csupomona.edu/ahimsacenter
Alexis Donkin - Buellton http://alexisdonkin.com
Aliza Hava - Santa Cruz http://www.alizahava.com
All Paths Divinity School - Santa Monica http://www.allpathsdivinityschool.com
America Unites for Kids - Malibu http://americaunites.com
AmericaWillBe.US - Los Angeles http://www.americawillbe.us
Armed with the Arts Inc. - Santa Barbara http://armedwiththearts.org
Awakening Compassion at Work - Menlo Park http://awakeningcompassionatwork.com/
Awakening360 - Berkeley http://www.awakening360.com
Battle Balm - San Diego https://battlebalm.com/
Bay Area Nonviolent Communication - Oakland http://www.baynvc.org/
beinghuman - San Francisco http://www.beinghuman.com/home__.html
Believe and Achieve Coaching - Beverly Hills http://www.bealeeve.com
Beth Grossman - Brisbane http://www.bethgrossman.com
Big Blue Marble - Newport Beach http://www.bigbluemarble.org
Big Brand Theory - Concord http://www.bigbrandtheory.net
Boldly Me - Fremont http://www.boldlyme.org
BraveHeart Women - Rancho Cordova https://www.facebook.com/BraveHeartWomen/
Breakthrough communities - Oakland Http://www.breakthroughcommunities.info
Brecia Creative - San Diego https://breciacreative.com/
CA Peace Alliance/ Department of Peacebuilding Campaign - El Cerrito https://peacealliance.org/
Cake Bake Shop http://www.cakebakeshop.com/
California Global Education Project - San Diego http://calglobaled.org/
Caring and Courageous Kids - El Dorado Hills
Center for Compassion & Altruism Research & Education / CCARE - Palo Alto
Center for Culture of Empathy - El Cerrito
Center for introspection & enlightenment http://www.ci-e.com
Chance Films - Santa Monica http://www.unlikelyfriendsforgive.com
Child and Family Institute - Menlo Park http://www.cfamily.org/
Choose Connection - Santa Barbara http://www.ChooseConnection.com
Claremont Lincoln University - Claremont http://www.claremontlincoln.org
COG International - Camarillo http://www.cog-int.org
Common Vision Coalition - Redlands http://www.commonvisioncoalitionofredlands.com
Community Connect Foundation - Sonoma http://www.pathwaysandjourneys.net
Compassion Central - Carmichael https://compassioncentral.us/
Compassion It - San Diego http://www.compassionit.com
Compassionate Leaders - Berkeley http://www.compassionateleaders.org/
CompassionLA - Santa Monica http://CompassionLA.com
Compathos - Placerville http://www.compathos.org
Connecting Dotz - Oakland http://www.connectingdotz.com/
Creative Writing Services - Santa Monica http://home.earthlink.net/~nshiffrin
Darlene Lancer, JD, MFT - Santa Monica http://www.whatiscodependency.com
David H. Breaux Compassion Initiative - Davis
David Tweedy, Ph.D., Incorporated - Carlsbad http://www.psychcoach.net
Delta Charter High School - Santa Cruz http://www.Deltaschool.org
Dignity Health - San Francisco http://www.dignityhealth.org
Dignity Health North State - Redding
Eco Angel Enterprises - Solvang http://www.positivelypetsandkids.com
Electronic Music Alliance - Los Angeles http://www.ema-global.org
Emma's Revolution - Oceanside http://www.emmasrevolution.com
Emotional Intelligence Insights - Torrance http://www.emotionalintelligenceinsights.com
Every Day Compassion Project - Long Beach http://www.everydaycompassionproject.org/
First Christian Church Whittier - Whittier http://www.fccwhittier.org
First United Lutheran Church - San Francisco http://www.fulc.com
Forgiving Connects - Los Angeles http://forgivingconnects.com/
Gender Crosstalk - San Francisco http://ugc.iwd.intermix.org
Glitter & Razz Productions LLC - Oakland, CA http://gogirlscamp.com
Global Institute for Compassionate Dialogue - San Jose https://www.linkedin.com/groups/7011512/profile
Global Labor Treaty for Living Wages - Los Angeles http://globallabortreaty.org
Global Ministries University - Murrieta http://www.globalministriesuniversity.org/
Global SchoolNet-iPoPP - Encinitas http://www.globalschoolnet.org
Global Village Montessori - Milpitas http://www.gvmontessori.com/
Golden Rule Project - La Costa http://www.GoldenRuleProject.us
Golestan Parast Productions - Laguna Hills http://www.essenceofiran.com
Greater Good Science Center - Berkley http://greatergood.berkeley.edu/
Group Relations International - San Diego http://www.grouprelations.org
Happy House - Northridge http://happyhouse.org
Helping Adults Help Children - San Francisco http://eceteacher.org
Heroic Imagination Project - San Francisco http://www.heroicimagination.org
HimB4i - San Diego https://www.facebook.com/HowWemetJESUS/
Hope in Life Foundation - Irvine http://hopeinlifefoundation.org/
Humboldt Area Center for Harm Reduction - Eureka http://hachr707.wix.com/hachr
Inspiration Divine - San Francisco http://www.inspirationdivine.com/
Institute for Inner Economy - Marina https://www.innereconomy.com/
Interfaith Initiative of Santa Barbara County - Santa Barbara http://www.interfaithinitiativesbc.org/
Interfaith Peace-Building Initiative Ethiopia - San Francisco http://www.ipiethiopia.org/
Jewish-Palestinian Living Room Dialogue Group - San Francisco http://traubman.igc.org/dg-prog.htm
Joelyn Lutz - Santa Maria http://www.joelynlutz.com/
JustOne Organics - Santa Rosa http://www.justoneorganics.com
Kindagious - Santa Clarita http://kindagious.com/
KindnessEvolution - San Rafael https://www.kindnessevolution.org/
l&l Lifestyle - linenandlavender.net Venice http://www.linenandlavender.net
Let it Ripple - San Francisco http://www.letitripple.org/
Little Visioneers - Los Angeles https://medium.com/little-visioneers
Living Perfect Health - Santa Ynez http://www.LivingPerfectHealth.com
Make A Difference 101 - Rancho Santa Margarita http://www.makeadifference101.com
Marin Mindfulness Institute - Fairfax http://www.mindfulness-education.org
Marin Oriental and Integrative Medicine - Sausalito https://marinorientalmedicine.com/
Middle Circle - San Francisco http://middlecircle.org
Mil-Tree Veteran Project - Joshua Tree, CA http://www.Mil-Tree.org
Million Mamas Movement - Culver City http://www.thaPeaceMob.com
Mindfulness without Borders/Between Four Eyes - San Francisco http://mindfulnesswithoutborders.org/
Mission Blue - San Francisco http://www.mission-blue.org
Napa County Public Health - Napa
Napa Valley Center for Spiritual Living - Napa http://nvcsl.org/
NapaLearns - Napa http://www.napalearns.org
Niles Discovery Church - Fremont http://nilesdiscoverychurch.org
No Asylum - Los Angeles http://noasylumfilm.com/
No Bully - San Francisco
Omnes - San Francisco http://www.omnes.io
One Billion Rising - West Hollywood http://www.onebillionrising.org
Our New Evolution - Santa Monica http://www.OurNewEvolution.org
Pacifica Peace People - Pacifica http://pacificapeacepeople.net
Palo Alto University - Palo Alto http://www.paloaltou.edu/
Paramount California University - Irvine http://www.pcu.edu/
Pasadena YouthBuild - Pasadena http://www.pasadenayouthbuild.org
Pathways and Journeys - Santa Monica, CA http://www.pathwaysandjourneys.org
Pathways To Peace - Larkspur http://pathwaystopeace.org
Paul Ekman Group - San Francisco http://paulekman.com
Pax Christi Fremont - Fremont
PeaceHost.net - Vallejo http://www.peacehost.net
People for Peace and Prosperity - Rancho Cucamonga
Poetic Justice Project - Santa Maria http://www.poeticjusticeproject.org
Positive News - Bolinas http://www.positivenewsus.org/
Project Happiness - Palo Alto http://www.projecthappiness.org
Purple Impression - Fremont http://www.purpleimpression.com
Quantum Units Education - Los Osos http://www.quantumunitsed.com/
Rainbow Advocacy - Los Angeles http://www.rainbowadvocacy.org/
Renaissance Academy - Alta Dena http://www.renaissanceacademy.com
Ricky's Revolution Non-Profit - Sebastopol http://rickysrevolution.org
Ronit Gabay International - Vista http://www.RonitGabay.com
Salma Arastu Collections - Berkeley http://www.salmaarastu.com
Santa Cruz Barrios Unidos - Santa Cruz http://barriosunidos.net
Santa Maria - Santa Maria http://wonheartinfo.org
School of Arts, Humanities & Social Sciences, Dominican University of California - San Rafael http://www.dominican.edu/academics/ahss/about-the-school
SCHOOL, Inc. - Pasadena http://www.school-yoga.org
SDG18 - Rancho Santa Margarita
Shareable - Mountain View http://shareable.net
Sharon A. Talovic, Ph.D., A Psychological Corporation - Malibu
Shimmer the Glowworm byInner Treasures - Long Beach http://shimmertheglowworm.com
Silicon Valley Interreligious Council - San Jose http://www.sivicouncil.org
Six Seconds - Corralitos http://www.6seconds.org
SOLO Eyewear - San Diego http://www.soloeyewear.com/
Sonali Fiske LLC - Irvine http://www.sonalifiske.com
Spirit House - Woodside http://www.spirithouse.org
Spiritual Paths - Santa Barbara
Spiritual Paths Foundation - Santa Barbara https://spiritualpaths.net/
St. Anne's Episcopal Church - Fremont http://www.stanneschurch.org
St. Bede's Episcopal Church - Los Angeles http://www.stbedesla.org
St. James' Episcopal Church - Fremont http://saintj.com
Stand Above Violent Extremism - San Luis Obispo http://www.stand-above.com
Steve Kaye Photo - Placentia http://www.stevekaye.com/
StoryStation - Benicia http://blogtalkradio.com/storystation
Tara Redwood School - Soquel http://www.tararedwoodschool.org
TEALarbor stories - Napa http://[email protected]
The Alchemy of Our Collective Wisdom and Power - Rancho Santa Margarita https://www.sandehart.com/alchemy-of-our-collective
The Center for Spirituality & Practice - Claremont http://www.spiritualityandpractice.com/
The Episcopal Diocese of Northern California - Sacramento http://www.norcalepiscopal.org/
The Good Men Project - Pasadena http://www.goodmenproject.com
The Gooden School - Sierra Madre http://www.goodenschool.org
The Great Compassion March - N. Tustin http://TheGreatCompassion.org
The Interfaith Center for Sustainable Development - Walnut Creek http://www.interfaithsustain.com
The Interfaith Observer - San Francisco http://theinterfaithobserver.org/
THE LAVENDER EFFECT - Hollywood http://www.thelavendereffect.org
The Nerdy Witches - Whittier http://www.nerdywitches.com/
The Not All Like That (NALT) Christians Project - San Marcos http://notalllikethat.org
The Oakland Mind - Oakland http://theoaklandmind.com
The Thacher Human Rights Coalition - Ojai http://blogs.thacher.org/hrc/
Threshold Choir - Santa Rosa http://thresholdchoir.org
Tilly's Life Center - Lake Forest http://tillyslifecenter.org/
Tri-City Interfaith Council Fremont http://tcicouncil.org
Trinity Episcopal Church Sonoma - Sonoma http://www.trinitysonoma.org
Unitarian Universalist Peace Ministry Network - San Diego http://uupeacemakers.org
United Religions Initiative - San Francisco http://www.uri.org
Unity of San Luis Obispo - San Luis Obispo http://unityslo.org
University of the West - Rosemead http://www.uwest.edu
WIISWest - Marina http://www.wiiswest.org
Wild Swan Resources - Sacramento http://wildswan.com
Wisdom Out - Oakland http://www.WisdomOut.com
WonHeart Inc - Santa Maria http://wonheartinfo.org
World Prayers Project - Santa Cruz http://www.worldprayers.org/
Ability Awareness Project - Laguna Beach https://www.kindandsafeschools.org/
Agape Media International - Culver City http://www.agapemedia-international.com/
Ahimsa Center, Cal Poly Pomona - Pomona http://www.csupomona.edu/ahimsacenter
Alexis Donkin - Buellton http://alexisdonkin.com
Aliza Hava - Santa Cruz http://www.alizahava.com
All Paths Divinity School - Santa Monica http://www.allpathsdivinityschool.com
America Unites for Kids - Malibu http://americaunites.com
AmericaWillBe.US - Los Angeles http://www.americawillbe.us
Armed with the Arts Inc. - Santa Barbara http://armedwiththearts.org
Awakening Compassion at Work - Menlo Park http://awakeningcompassionatwork.com/
Awakening360 - Berkeley http://www.awakening360.com
Battle Balm - San Diego https://battlebalm.com/
Bay Area Nonviolent Communication - Oakland http://www.baynvc.org/
beinghuman - San Francisco http://www.beinghuman.com/home__.html
Believe and Achieve Coaching - Beverly Hills http://www.bealeeve.com
Beth Grossman - Brisbane http://www.bethgrossman.com
Big Blue Marble - Newport Beach http://www.bigbluemarble.org
Big Brand Theory - Concord http://www.bigbrandtheory.net
Boldly Me - Fremont http://www.boldlyme.org
BraveHeart Women - Rancho Cordova https://www.facebook.com/BraveHeartWomen/
Breakthrough communities - Oakland Http://www.breakthroughcommunities.info
Brecia Creative - San Diego https://breciacreative.com/
CA Peace Alliance/ Department of Peacebuilding Campaign - El Cerrito https://peacealliance.org/
Cake Bake Shop http://www.cakebakeshop.com/
California Global Education Project - San Diego http://calglobaled.org/
Caring and Courageous Kids - El Dorado Hills
Center for Compassion & Altruism Research & Education / CCARE - Palo Alto
Center for Culture of Empathy - El Cerrito
Center for introspection & enlightenment http://www.ci-e.com
Chance Films - Santa Monica http://www.unlikelyfriendsforgive.com
Child and Family Institute - Menlo Park http://www.cfamily.org/
Choose Connection - Santa Barbara http://www.ChooseConnection.com
Claremont Lincoln University - Claremont http://www.claremontlincoln.org
COG International - Camarillo http://www.cog-int.org
Common Vision Coalition - Redlands http://www.commonvisioncoalitionofredlands.com
Community Connect Foundation - Sonoma http://www.pathwaysandjourneys.net
Compassion Central - Carmichael https://compassioncentral.us/
Compassion It - San Diego http://www.compassionit.com
Compassionate Leaders - Berkeley http://www.compassionateleaders.org/
CompassionLA - Santa Monica http://CompassionLA.com
Compathos - Placerville http://www.compathos.org
Connecting Dotz - Oakland http://www.connectingdotz.com/
Creative Writing Services - Santa Monica http://home.earthlink.net/~nshiffrin
Darlene Lancer, JD, MFT - Santa Monica http://www.whatiscodependency.com
David H. Breaux Compassion Initiative - Davis
David Tweedy, Ph.D., Incorporated - Carlsbad http://www.psychcoach.net
Delta Charter High School - Santa Cruz http://www.Deltaschool.org
Dignity Health - San Francisco http://www.dignityhealth.org
Dignity Health North State - Redding
Eco Angel Enterprises - Solvang http://www.positivelypetsandkids.com
Electronic Music Alliance - Los Angeles http://www.ema-global.org
Emma's Revolution - Oceanside http://www.emmasrevolution.com
Emotional Intelligence Insights - Torrance http://www.emotionalintelligenceinsights.com
Every Day Compassion Project - Long Beach http://www.everydaycompassionproject.org/
First Christian Church Whittier - Whittier http://www.fccwhittier.org
First United Lutheran Church - San Francisco http://www.fulc.com
Forgiving Connects - Los Angeles http://forgivingconnects.com/
Gender Crosstalk - San Francisco http://ugc.iwd.intermix.org
Glitter & Razz Productions LLC - Oakland, CA http://gogirlscamp.com
Global Institute for Compassionate Dialogue - San Jose https://www.linkedin.com/groups/7011512/profile
Global Labor Treaty for Living Wages - Los Angeles http://globallabortreaty.org
Global Ministries University - Murrieta http://www.globalministriesuniversity.org/
Global SchoolNet-iPoPP - Encinitas http://www.globalschoolnet.org
Global Village Montessori - Milpitas http://www.gvmontessori.com/
Golden Rule Project - La Costa http://www.GoldenRuleProject.us
Golestan Parast Productions - Laguna Hills http://www.essenceofiran.com
Greater Good Science Center - Berkley http://greatergood.berkeley.edu/
Group Relations International - San Diego http://www.grouprelations.org
Happy House - Northridge http://happyhouse.org
Helping Adults Help Children - San Francisco http://eceteacher.org
Heroic Imagination Project - San Francisco http://www.heroicimagination.org
HimB4i - San Diego https://www.facebook.com/HowWemetJESUS/
Hope in Life Foundation - Irvine http://hopeinlifefoundation.org/
Humboldt Area Center for Harm Reduction - Eureka http://hachr707.wix.com/hachr
Inspiration Divine - San Francisco http://www.inspirationdivine.com/
Institute for Inner Economy - Marina https://www.innereconomy.com/
Interfaith Initiative of Santa Barbara County - Santa Barbara http://www.interfaithinitiativesbc.org/
Interfaith Peace-Building Initiative Ethiopia - San Francisco http://www.ipiethiopia.org/
Jewish-Palestinian Living Room Dialogue Group - San Francisco http://traubman.igc.org/dg-prog.htm
Joelyn Lutz - Santa Maria http://www.joelynlutz.com/
JustOne Organics - Santa Rosa http://www.justoneorganics.com
Kindagious - Santa Clarita http://kindagious.com/
KindnessEvolution - San Rafael https://www.kindnessevolution.org/
l&l Lifestyle - linenandlavender.net Venice http://www.linenandlavender.net
Let it Ripple - San Francisco http://www.letitripple.org/
Little Visioneers - Los Angeles https://medium.com/little-visioneers
Living Perfect Health - Santa Ynez http://www.LivingPerfectHealth.com
Make A Difference 101 - Rancho Santa Margarita http://www.makeadifference101.com
Marin Mindfulness Institute - Fairfax http://www.mindfulness-education.org
Marin Oriental and Integrative Medicine - Sausalito https://marinorientalmedicine.com/
Middle Circle - San Francisco http://middlecircle.org
Mil-Tree Veteran Project - Joshua Tree, CA http://www.Mil-Tree.org
Million Mamas Movement - Culver City http://www.thaPeaceMob.com
Mindfulness without Borders/Between Four Eyes - San Francisco http://mindfulnesswithoutborders.org/
Mission Blue - San Francisco http://www.mission-blue.org
Napa County Public Health - Napa
Napa Valley Center for Spiritual Living - Napa http://nvcsl.org/
NapaLearns - Napa http://www.napalearns.org
Niles Discovery Church - Fremont http://nilesdiscoverychurch.org
No Asylum - Los Angeles http://noasylumfilm.com/
No Bully - San Francisco
Omnes - San Francisco http://www.omnes.io
One Billion Rising - West Hollywood http://www.onebillionrising.org
Our New Evolution - Santa Monica http://www.OurNewEvolution.org
Pacifica Peace People - Pacifica http://pacificapeacepeople.net
Palo Alto University - Palo Alto http://www.paloaltou.edu/
Paramount California University - Irvine http://www.pcu.edu/
Pasadena YouthBuild - Pasadena http://www.pasadenayouthbuild.org
Pathways and Journeys - Santa Monica, CA http://www.pathwaysandjourneys.org
Pathways To Peace - Larkspur http://pathwaystopeace.org
Paul Ekman Group - San Francisco http://paulekman.com
Pax Christi Fremont - Fremont
PeaceHost.net - Vallejo http://www.peacehost.net
People for Peace and Prosperity - Rancho Cucamonga
Poetic Justice Project - Santa Maria http://www.poeticjusticeproject.org
Positive News - Bolinas http://www.positivenewsus.org/
Project Happiness - Palo Alto http://www.projecthappiness.org
Purple Impression - Fremont http://www.purpleimpression.com
Quantum Units Education - Los Osos http://www.quantumunitsed.com/
Rainbow Advocacy - Los Angeles http://www.rainbowadvocacy.org/
Renaissance Academy - Alta Dena http://www.renaissanceacademy.com
Ricky's Revolution Non-Profit - Sebastopol http://rickysrevolution.org
Ronit Gabay International - Vista http://www.RonitGabay.com
Salma Arastu Collections - Berkeley http://www.salmaarastu.com
Santa Cruz Barrios Unidos - Santa Cruz http://barriosunidos.net
Santa Maria - Santa Maria http://wonheartinfo.org
School of Arts, Humanities & Social Sciences, Dominican University of California - San Rafael http://www.dominican.edu/academics/ahss/about-the-school
SCHOOL, Inc. - Pasadena http://www.school-yoga.org
SDG18 - Rancho Santa Margarita
Shareable - Mountain View http://shareable.net
Sharon A. Talovic, Ph.D., A Psychological Corporation - Malibu
Shimmer the Glowworm byInner Treasures - Long Beach http://shimmertheglowworm.com
Silicon Valley Interreligious Council - San Jose http://www.sivicouncil.org
Six Seconds - Corralitos http://www.6seconds.org
SOLO Eyewear - San Diego http://www.soloeyewear.com/
Sonali Fiske LLC - Irvine http://www.sonalifiske.com
Spirit House - Woodside http://www.spirithouse.org
Spiritual Paths - Santa Barbara
Spiritual Paths Foundation - Santa Barbara https://spiritualpaths.net/
St. Anne's Episcopal Church - Fremont http://www.stanneschurch.org
St. Bede's Episcopal Church - Los Angeles http://www.stbedesla.org
St. James' Episcopal Church - Fremont http://saintj.com
Stand Above Violent Extremism - San Luis Obispo http://www.stand-above.com
Steve Kaye Photo - Placentia http://www.stevekaye.com/
StoryStation - Benicia http://blogtalkradio.com/storystation
Tara Redwood School - Soquel http://www.tararedwoodschool.org
TEALarbor stories - Napa http://[email protected]
The Alchemy of Our Collective Wisdom and Power - Rancho Santa Margarita https://www.sandehart.com/alchemy-of-our-collective
The Center for Spirituality & Practice - Claremont http://www.spiritualityandpractice.com/
The Episcopal Diocese of Northern California - Sacramento http://www.norcalepiscopal.org/
The Good Men Project - Pasadena http://www.goodmenproject.com
The Gooden School - Sierra Madre http://www.goodenschool.org
The Great Compassion March - N. Tustin http://TheGreatCompassion.org
The Interfaith Center for Sustainable Development - Walnut Creek http://www.interfaithsustain.com
The Interfaith Observer - San Francisco http://theinterfaithobserver.org/
THE LAVENDER EFFECT - Hollywood http://www.thelavendereffect.org
The Nerdy Witches - Whittier http://www.nerdywitches.com/
The Not All Like That (NALT) Christians Project - San Marcos http://notalllikethat.org
The Oakland Mind - Oakland http://theoaklandmind.com
The Thacher Human Rights Coalition - Ojai http://blogs.thacher.org/hrc/
Threshold Choir - Santa Rosa http://thresholdchoir.org
Tilly's Life Center - Lake Forest http://tillyslifecenter.org/
Tri-City Interfaith Council Fremont http://tcicouncil.org
Trinity Episcopal Church Sonoma - Sonoma http://www.trinitysonoma.org
Unitarian Universalist Peace Ministry Network - San Diego http://uupeacemakers.org
United Religions Initiative - San Francisco http://www.uri.org
Unity of San Luis Obispo - San Luis Obispo http://unityslo.org
University of the West - Rosemead http://www.uwest.edu
WIISWest - Marina http://www.wiiswest.org
Wild Swan Resources - Sacramento http://wildswan.com
Wisdom Out - Oakland http://www.WisdomOut.com
WonHeart Inc - Santa Maria http://wonheartinfo.org
World Prayers Project - Santa Cruz http://www.worldprayers.org/